Parker Palo Alto
A stroll in the park-refined living in the apartment homes of Parker Palo Alto.
Living right next to a huge park is incredibly ideal and even more so, if you have a dog with too much energy. Or if you yourself have a thing for fresh air and outdoor activities. Parker has the sweet Palo Alto location and the amazing amenities that make every day extra nice. Catching a nap by the heated-to-a-near perfect-81-degrees pool, barbequing with friends, or blasting leg day at our 24/7 strength studio could all be in your future at Parker. Known for great schools, diversity, and an easygoing lifestyle, Palo Alto has it going on. From your reserved parking space, it's only a short drive to the 101, the Caltrain and all the great shops, pubs, and restaurants on University Avenue.
Amenities are designed to provide the ultimate in style, convenience and comfort for our apartment residents.
- Public Transportation
- Recycling
- Package Receiving
- View
- Washer/Dryer
- Window Coverings
What's Good In The Neighborhood?

Just how much enjoyment can you squeeze out of one apartment
community? A whole heck of a lot, especially with amenities like these. Take a
look at what's good in the neighborhood.
What's Good In The Neighborhood?